
Kalaavahana. Healing femininity on a subtle level. Healing Retreat.

Eslatic Journey to Inner Consciousness through Kalavahana. Kalavahana — A Devine Immersion.


Kalä means a part of nature. Avāhana means an Invitation. Pojā means a sacred ritual. So the Kalavahana is a sacred ritual that invites the powers of nature into our bodics through the medium of touch, or awareness.

The Kalavahana ritual activates the chakras in the body and gives one the unparalleled experience of being worshipped as Goddess herself. And because it contains all of the deities and all divine powers within it, it brings every kind of blessing to the devotee.

Kalävāhanä invokes all divine life-giving energies into humans, capable of giving them a direct experience of Divinity.
It is thus empowering as it connects you to infinite cosmic powers.

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  • Provides overall physical and spiritual empowerment.
  • Activates the chakras in the body, promoting a harmonious flow of energy and awakening
  • dormant potential.
  • Transfoming yourself, your life, and the world by realizing the power of love andthe mind.
  • Heals internal wounds and removes deep traumas.
  • Reduces stress and gives a peace of mind Improves your relationships. 
  • Enhances your memory, focus and learning abilitiesur relationships.
  • Material blessings, including the marriage, progeny & optimal well-being.


Kalavahana can be done for receiving Devine Mother’s blessings, spiritual upliftment, cleansing and activating the chakras. It can also be performed for bestowing material blessings, such as good health, marriage & progeny. 

Kalavahana can be performed on any day but you can also request it to be conducted on any of the following auspicious occasions: Imporiant lamily Ceremonics like house warming, engagement, marriage, birthday & more.

Kalavahana is an important part of our comprehensive Retreat program. Each participant undergoes initiation in Kalavahana.  

Additionally, Kalavahana is conducted individually for individuals or couples.

You can inquire about and schedule personalized practice for you and your family.

If you would like to become a participant in our upcoming Retreat programs or receive personalized Kalavahana practice, please fill out this form and indicate ‘Retreat’ or ‘Personal Kalavahana’ in the notes. You can choose both options, and we will contact you.


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Healing femininity on a subtle level

Mindful Healing Retreat

April 28, Sunday, 2024 from 9 AM to 8 PM, in a beautiful houseb y the ocean.

This Retreat is a Signature Program: 

Dr. Heli McPhie & Lalita Amba


Dear women,we are addressing specifically to the female audience and would like to invite you to a Women’s Retreat! One day of deep transformation and immersion into your inner self. Through practices involving energy work, mental memory cleansing, and secrets of Eastern medicine.  

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Healing femininity on a subtle level MINDFUL HEALING RETREAT.

Reduce stress levels

Unleash the fullness of life force

Feminine energy is the strength of tenderness and beauty! It gives life! 

What prevents us from being happy and freely expressing ourselves in the

Dive deep into:

1. «Body memory» — all our past experiences are recorded on our body; if we’ve experienced difficulties, disappointment, emotional pain, it blocks the flow of energy through subtle channels, and we don’t feel energetic and whole.

2. «Individual pace» — when we don’t know our own rhythm and constantly rush ourselves or, conversely, slow down.

3. «External opinions» — when we compare ourselves to others and seek our flaws instead of revealing our uniqueness and merits.
Eastern practices will help us 

— Explore our sexual energy and its pathways in subtle channels 

— Remove blockages of our energy — unleash our sexuality and relax.  

Experience a journey of transformation at our Women’s Retreat:

— Purifying Breathing Exercises to cleanse your body and mind. 

— Yoga and Kriyas to awaken your inner strength. 

— Restorative Yoga Nidra for healing and rejuvenation.

What the day will look like:

Women’s Retreat 

9:00 — Welcome and Introduction.

9:15 — Breathing Exercises: A rhythmic breathing and movement complex to cleanse the body’s memory of energy-blocking past experiences.

9:30 — Kriyas: Gentle movements and poses to awaken the body and release tension.

10:00 — Yoga: An energizing and nourishing yoga practice to connect with the body and cultivate self-love.

11:00 — Yoga Nidra: A deep relaxation practice promoting healing and rejuvenation.

Midday Session:

11:30 — Wise Tale about Love and Strength.

12:30 — Lunch: Vegetarian, nutritious, and healthy food to replenish the body and strengthen community. (Prepared by our chef)

Afternoon Session:

1:30 — 2:30 Rest, outdoor time.

Post-lunch Session:

2:30 — Ancient Tibetan Practices (Kriyas) to increase energy levels, improve digestion, and attain clarity and purity of mind.

3:00 — Journaling: Set 1 of interesting journal questions focusing on self-love, acceptance, and the path forward this year.

3:30 — Break: Refreshments and light snacks.

Evening Session:

4:00 — Journaling: Set 2 of interesting journal questions encouraging self-analysis and growth. 

4:30 — Group Sharing: Additional opportunity for participants to share their ideas and experiences.

5:30 — Unveiling Feminine Sensitivity.

Special Tibetan female practices to enhance sensitivity and inner strength. A small temple ceremony to honor the divine feminine nature within each woman. Each of you will touch special points on the body and activate life energy and various states of love within yourselves. This sacred practice performed in the Temple will help us better understand ourselves. We will explore our body and our divine nature.

6:30 — Dinner: Delicious and nutritious food promoting strengthened bonds and gratitude.

7:00 — Closing Meditation: A calming and grounding meditation to conclude the day.

7:30 — Farewell and Departure.

The retreat will take place in a cozy house near the ocean. Lunch and dinner prepared by a chef will be included, with a focus on vegetarian cuisine. Limited spots available.


Price: $399.00

Location: Tsawwassen — address will be given to you once you are signed up.

Tibetan Medicine

April 25, at 6.30 p.m - 8 p.m

Eastern medicine is my love and my heart.

And I want to share with you deep knowledge and feelings at this meeting. 

Unique method: ‘Pulse diagnosis of 64 basic rhythms and vital systems of the body”

Where: The Village Clinic #7, 1363 — 56th Street Delta, BC V4L 2P7 

Nominal $25 organizational fee to contribute your energy!

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Healthy food for every day!

july 5

cooming soon


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